



Physical Performance

Activity Year 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
1. Training
(a). Number of Training courses conducted
Long Term 3 3 5 4 6
Short Term 174 208 120 228 503
(b). Number of Trainees trained
Long Term 88 91 139 124 68
Short Term 3336 6628 2123 5994 12820
Total 3424 6719 2262 6118 12888
Candidate Details
(a) SC Candidates 1449 2736 1194 3446 6687
(b) ST Candidates 3 96 20 46 169
(c) Women Candidates 2553 5649 1724 3624 8475
(d) PH Candidates - - - - -
(e) Minorities 323 82 29 34 126
MSME 1096 189 272 327 376
Others 11 2 - - -
Total 1107 191 272 327 376

Financial Performance

Financial Performance     (Rs. In Lakhs)
Activity Year 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Revenue generated 453.4 861.33 480.64 640.82 1313.76
Revenue Expenditure before depreciation 371.6 644.52 458.21 531.24 1162.24
Depreciation 77.26 63.67 54.99 69.28 62.08
Expenditure after depreciation 448.9 708.19 513.2 582.52 1224.32
Cash Surplus before depreciation 81.78 216.81 22.43 126.96 151.52
Cash Surplus after depreciation 4.52 153.14 -32.56 57.68 89.44
Percentage of recovery before depreciation 122 133.64 104.9 125 113
Percentage of recovery after depreciation 101 121.62 93.66 111 107.3