


Training Courses


Diploma In Footwear Manufacture And Design


Rs. 1,59,000 (For General); Rs. 39,000 (For SC / ST)

(For SC/ST Candidates, Tuition Fees exempted)


22.5% Seats are reserved for SC/ST candidates for which No Course Fees will be charged subject to production of caste Certificate, in original from competent authority at the time of submission of application and at the time of admission. (Two photocopies of caste certificate duly attested by gazetted Officer is required to be enclosed along with application.)


Hostel accommodation is available only for boys on request, at the sole discretion of the Director, CFTI, Chennai. at the following charges View More







Level 6


MSME / DFMD / 60


A sum of Rs.5,000/- (Rupees Five thousands only) shall be paid by each candidate which is refundable at the time of his/her leaving the institute (interest free) on completion of the training course, after recovery of the cost of damages, if any, to the Institute’s property by the trainee.


The assessment during the course is conducted on regular basis. As such, there is no terminal or final exams conducted during the course, but assessment tests are conducted on a regular basis and at the end of each year, the grades obtained in different tests are compiled to obtain final grade. The grading system is as follows:

40 - 49 B
51 - 59 B+
60 - 77 A
75 & ABOVE A+

All the assessment tests conducted throughout the 1 1/2 Year duration and the grades awarded are evaluated by the moderators from the Textile Institute, U.K. and then the final grade is awarded. On completion of first year, a marksheet is awarded and On successful completion of course the Post Graduate Higher Diploma is awarded. The Textile Institute, U.K. awards both, the marksheet and the Post Graduate Higher Diploma.


Sr.No Subject Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme / No. of Hours Total Marks
Theory Practical
1 U-01 Art, Design & Fashion - 30 100
2 U-02 Design & Pattern Cutting 10 260 200
3 U-03 Pre-Production Technology 20 30 100
4 U-04 Materials & Testing 80 40 200
5 U-05 Clicking Technology 20 230 100
6 U-06 Closing Technology 20 230 200
7 U-07 Lasting & Making Technology 20 260 200
8 U-08 Hand Shoe Making - 40 100
9 U-09 Purchasing & Stores Control 30 - 100
10 U-10 Basic Costing 40 - 100
11 U-11 Quality Assurance & Control 40 10 100
12 U-12 Computer Studies - 40 100
13 U-13 International Business and Language 50 10 100
14 U-14 Applied Science 20 - 100
Sr.No Subject Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme / No. of Hours Total Marks
Theory Practical
15 U-15 Product Sketching & Design - 30 100
16 U-16 Pattern Cutting & Product Development - 120 300
17 U-17 CAD & Pattern Engineering 5 65 200
18 U-18 Materials and Testing 40 40 100
19 U-19 Clicking - 100 100
20 U-20 Closing - 150 300
21 U-21 Lasting and Making - 150 200
22 U-22 Shoe Faults and Customer Complaints 30 20 100
23 U-23 Advanced Technology 30 - 100
24 U-24 Foot Comfort 30 - 100
25 U-25 Industrial Engineering 60 - 100
26 U-26 Financial Controls 20 - 100
27 U-27 Retailing & Merchandising 30 - 100
28 U-28 Marketing 40 10 100
29 U-29 Factory Work Experience 10 240 200
30 U-30 Setting Up in Business 20 - 100
31 U-31 Final Project 10 310 400